
3 may 2013

LISTENING -Home furniture and prepositions of place-

Dear students,
With this post you can practice the vocabulary of home furniture and the basic prepositions of place (in, on, between, behind, next to) we have studied this week.
To do the activity you have to:
2º Click here below and listen the following postcast to do the two activities.

Good luck!

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello Cristina!

    Very interesting being able to have the possibility of having a web listening. It looks more professional for students than doing it by yourself at class even if it's you who do it.

    Actually, I have done something very similar to this at class this afternoon.

    Congratulations on the blog!

  2. Hello,

    It seems a good activity to learn prepositions of place for children. Students can see the image while listen the activity. Moreover as says ´Vine del norte` use this tool looks more profesional.

    After listening, students can practice their new knowledge through your activity. Your decisión to use the same image I think it is successful because learners can realize of uses of prepositions.

    I like this type of activity because I think learners should master this skill for their future.


  3. Very interesting being able to have the possibility of having a web listening. It looks more professional for students than doing it by yourself at class even if it's you who do it.
